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ID: 12702 Price: $45.00 Spaces: Full
Information: For Pilates and Yoga bring: layer up as the room may be cool or warrm water bottle Yoga mat OPTIONAL: Blocks, and Blanket.

Pilates helps build good postural alignment, competent core strength, and mobile joint function. The sequence of exercises working from the mat will focus on developing the smaller inner core muscles within your trunk, legs, arms and back. Small changes reap functional benefits for better awareness to keep you balanced, breathe deeper, and stand taller. Bring a yoga mat and a water bottle.

Day Start End Instructor Location Venue
Thursday 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Arts and Recreation Staff SB - Banquet Hall South Bonson Community Centre
ID: 12767 Price: $37.50 Spaces: Full
Information: For Pilates and Yoga bring: layer up as the room may be cool or warrm water bottle Yoga mat OPTIONAL: Blocks, and Blanket.

Pilates helps build good postural alignment, competent core strength, and mobile joint function. The sequence of exercises working from the mat will focus on developing the smaller inner core muscles within your trunk, legs, arms and back. Small changes reap functional benefits for better awareness to keep you balanced, breathe deeper, and stand taller. Bring a yoga mat and a water bottle.

Day Start End Instructor Location Venue
Thursday 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Arts and Recreation Staff SB - Banquet Hall South Bonson Community Centre